Who said her life is perfect?
She is judged every time her skirt is a little short
She is judged every time she holds a cigarette in her hand
She is judged if she’s not soft spoken and loves to laugh loudly
She is judged every time she stands up for herself
She is judged if she’s not able to appease people
She’s judged every time she falters or trips
Her sweet nature is taken for granted
Her intellect is questioned
Her opinions are unwanted
Her skin must be flawless, her hair perfect, her voice controlled and her
actions monitored
I say differently
Because your definition of perfection is in contradiction with mine
Her imperfections make her beautiful
Her boldness sets the world afire
Her opinions matter
So, teach her to love herself,
Instead of being perfect for everybody else
You do not define her
Because she defines herself
And she doesn’t care two pence for your definition.
This post was written by Samiksha Yadav, Ist year.