Here’s whats been up in college of late.
- The Holidays- Surprisingly enough last weekend never ended. Monday and Friday were the only two days in the whole blessed week when one had to step out of the sheets and make life happen. From movie plans to trips back home, this week saw everything. 27-28-29th of October 2015.
- The Earthquake- It was kind of spooky walking into the Acad Block after the earthquake hit us on 26th of October. Empty classrooms, fans running, books left unattended and everybody outside taking pictures #survived #Ilovemylife. Funny as it may sound, this event brought to light the fact that there is absolutely no system of disaster management in the college. Lucky for us, it happened in the afternoon and was not a massive quake, otherwise it could have well resulted in a stampede.
3. The Cold- After the bone-freezing rain showers on Sunday night, it was sweater time. The hostel has a naphthalene-ball-stench lingering near every pile of Shiney-black-painted luggage boxes. Behold the tripping power meters, for the kettles and electric blankets will be out soon.
4. The CDS exam- Tomorrow, i.e. the 1st of November, the examination centers for the Central Defense Services in Chandigarh, will witness young Ailians sit in a bench for hours together, silently circling options, not complaining about the wifi, for once.
For many of us our journey in the combat boots will begin tomorrow. Wishing everybody good luck. Godspeed.
You can also read Parth Chaudhari’s submission, titled OG and Ailians, a sneak-peek into the preparations for the much awaited examination.
5. Also there was something about Decathlon…but never mind !