- You know what MPH and BBC mean.
You also know the meaning of Buddy Senior/Junior, Atrium and Interactive Sessions.
- Board Games in the Cafe
You have played or have witnessed someone playing Jenga, UNO or Scotland Yard in the Cafe.
- If you are a mooter, you are acquainted with the entire Honey Singh discography.
If you have done a moot or have spent some time in the research cell, chances are you have found the deep-seated meaning in all Honey Singh (read punjabi) songs. - Attendance.
If it’s the last month of the Semester, you are going to attend all classes in order to fix your attendance. With a whopping 85% minimum attendance criteria, it’s hard not to get detained. - A long weekend = Hills.
With such close proximity to Uttrakhand and Himachal Pradesh, the Shivaliks are just a few hours away. - Himani’s Vertigo.
Been there, done that. - Ganesh Chaturthi.
Though we celebrate New Years and Lodhi too, Ganesh Chaturthi is still the biggest festival celebration of the year. - Sports Fests.
Ours is usually one of the biggest contingent at a sports fest. - Fauji Brats.
Most of us have been classmates or neighbours way before we joined college.
- Being at the dinner table with open hair even at home feels like an immediate sin.
It’s something that most residents of the Girl’s Hostel know.
- Bucket Party
Annual flagship event in the Hostel, hosted and funded by the outgoing batch. - You know it’s a BIG DEAL to wear flip-flops to the mess.
Because flip-flops are EVIL.