Mr. Santosh Sharma, from Art of Living, delivered an informative guest lecture on the topic “Awakening to a New Reality” for the Thursday held on 27th February.
The session commenced with general question answer round and thus creating an interactive environment. Mr. Santosh then talked about the programme and how it is based on youth and skill empowerment. He also stressed on the ingredients to success and discussed with the students, how domain knowledge and soft skills, both are the prerequisites to a successful career along with a focus on the 3 C’s- Concentration, Confidence and Clarity. He then engaged the students in another interactive segment which included a few games that resulted in a lot of smiles amongst the students. The session then ended with a relaxing session of meditation.
As an initiative from our college for the growth of the students, the members of the association then circulated forms for the purpose of joining the Art of Living sessions.
We’re immensely grateful to them for making us understand the importance and the concept of the art of livingin great detail. The Blue Pencil congratulates him for the success of the session and wishes them luck for his future endeavours.
This article has been written by Ishita, II year.