“Everyone has to scratch on walls somewhere or they go crazy.” – Michael Ondaatje
AIL’s budding lawyers are very much multi-talented than they appear and hostelers are lucky enough to wake up to their work of art, everyday. So here we present to you, this week’s Jabberwocky post.
Having the most vibrant collection, these wall arts have contributed to a lot of pictures being clicked with them in the background. For a lot of us, we don’t need Red Bull to have wings, we have our own in the hostel.

The tree can be found on the first floor on the left side of the double wing. Captain America’s shield waits for you on the second floor in the single wing.

Find the lion and wings on the third floor of the Single and the Double wing respectively.
Take a look at the works made by our boys.
The pictures have been submitted by Unnati Mehta(First year) and Aaryan (First year)