Eagerly waiting for the day to unravel its surprises? Just here for the chocolates? Are you too disappointed and would rather skip the entire day altogether? Go on, keep reading, I’ve got in store for you the various creatures you’ll find on this day of love (terms and conditions apply).
The Desperate:
These creatures wake up from hibernation in the month of February. They’re usually identified prying around the area, with their hawk like vision, waiting to pounce on a date. They’ll have a certain restless energy, they’ll have rushed words and they’ll be waiting for their friends to set them up. A word to the wise, please don’t end up with your ex, you left them for a reason, let them be. And there is nothing like a frog prince so, don’t scare that poor creature, it won’t turn into a prince.

The Newbies:
These creatures are love sick couples, who’ve recently gotten together. They’re new to these experiences and have been desperately waiting for this day. They’re spotted in every bakery, chocolate shop, card shop or with the florists, trying their best to buy the perfect Valentine’s Day gift. Ever seen a guy confused surrounded with a million flowers? Ever seen a girl with hundreds of love cards in her hands? Yup, that’s them. You’ll see a sparkle in their eyes, a prance in their steps, you’ll hear them humming now and then, basically they are every romantic Disney movie come to life.

The Old Wine:
These humans have grown comfortable with each other over time. They are an open book to each other, they complete each other’s sentences, blend perfectly like rum and cola and they complete each other like tequila and salt. They’re what this generation calls, “Couple Goals”. You’ll see them enjoying the 14th in a very simple, homely sort of manner. Breakfast in bed, afternoon spent lazing around, a sweet romantic movie they have watched a million times already and a soft playlist he made for her when they first started going out. They are a fairy tale come true.

The Haters:
They’ll kill your vibe, if you have one, they are the Grinch of Valentine’s. They’re either too angry because they saw the sunshine through the window, too sad because they have no one to spend the day with or simply irritated because they just saw someone kiss. If you know one, send them to play paintball or just hand them a box of tissue papers or host them a “I hate Valentine’s Day” party. Stay clear from their way because they’re in no mood to hear, “Come on, there’s someone there for everyone.” Give them the pep talk, once the roads are clear of all the confetti, hearts and people who can’t get enough of each other (they’ll always be there, just let them become scarce).

The Hopeless Romantics:
You will spot them all star eyed, lost in their world of what ifs, with a checklist of expectations. Oh, they’ve imagined it all. They have had their first date, their first kiss, a romantic wedding, two beautiful little kids and they’ve already grown gray haired next to each other; all this while they’ve either missed their train or their station. They have read a lot of Mills and Boons, watched all the romedies ever made and heard every love song ever sung. They are happy, sweet little creatures, please keep them away from the Grinch.

The Self Fulfilling People: They are here just for the chocolates. Just give them all the food and they will be on their way. They don’t care how many couples surround them, they don’t mind the Grinch, they’ll even share their chocolate with the hopeless romantics. These humans are the toppers of the class, we must aspire to reach the level of self fulfillment they’ve accomplished. This is the stage of love we must all reach, the stage of self love. They are the Luna Lovegoods of the real world, just chilling with a box of chocolate, a cheesy pizza and a glass of wine. My Lord, the level of oblivion that they have reached, absolutely marvelous.

If you’re one of those old wine people, good job, I’m so proud of you, just hug on to him/her a little tighter, you have what a million would kill to have. What’s better than to love and be loved in return? If everything is still new and brewing and you still have butterflies when you see them, I’m happy for you, just be there for each other, I bet the journey will be beautiful. If you’re one of those people who absolutely hates Valentine’s Day, I know now is not the time for me to speak (I don’t have a death wish), but, you’ll get there, till then just hang on and maybe reduce the glare please, couples get scared. If you’re one of those who has reached the stage of self love, I’m jealous. But, I’m glad you love yourself for you, I’m happy you’re happy. If you’re one of those hopeless romantics, go on ,dream, you never know that prince charming might be on his white horse, or that pretty little girl is looking for “the one” just like you are. If you’re the desperate one, please delete that number, he/ she is not worth it.
Nevertheless, date or no date, take a long shower, wear that dress, use that perfume, eat that cake and if their is someone you’ve got a crush on, just say it. Life is too short to wait for this one day of the year to be all lovey-dovey. Happy Valentine’s Day!
This post was by Samiksha Yadav, IInd year.