On 29th August, the Thursday Activity included a guest lecture by Prof (Dr.) Devinder Singh, Department of law, Punjab University, which was a discussion on Article 370.
He began his lecture by giving the students an insight into the background of this historic and controversial legislation. Beginning from the Indian Independence Act under which two dominion namely India and Pakistan were formed, how the princely states were to choose their fate by signing the Instrument of Accession whereby giving up their powers to either of the two newly formed states. Interestingly Maharaja Hari Singh did not sign the agreement like the others, as he intended on having a standstill status quo. It was only after the attack by Pakistan on J&K in October 1947 that he agreed to sign the accord while seeking protection from India.
Coming to the present day scenario, sir elucidated how Article 370 was always supposed to be a temporary provision and was made to act as a bridge that would be a pathway for the Indian Constitution vis a vis kashmir. Ending his discussion he laid emphasis on the point that the 2019 amendment was only a reinstatement of the Constitutional position.
It was indeed a very knowledgeable and informative lecture for the students.
This write-up has been prepared by Muskan Dang (IInd Year).
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