A team comprising of Aafreen Choudhary, Anshul Singh and Omvir Singh (all from the 3rd Year) had participated in the 1st RGNUL Sports and Entertainment National Mediation and Negotiation Competition, which was held from the 12th to 14th April in collaboration with the Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution Team (PACT) and Singapore International Mediation Institution (SIMI).
The team won the following prizes
1. Best Mediation Plan – Aafreen Choudhary and Omvir Singh
2. Best Mediator in Preliminary Rounds – Anshul Singh
3.Runner up Mediator and a cash prize of Rs. 7000 – Anshul Singh
Anshul Singh was also awarded the GAADR programme scholarship for a workshop in Goa.
The Blue Pencil congratulates them and wishes them luck for their future endeavours!